This page features a collection of interviews and media appearances. Click on the button to open the article larger or go to the external page.
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Interview with The Japan Reporter
Nobita from The Japan Reporter came to Hachioji to interview me about my experiences as an autistic person in Japan, my books and my company.
YouTube channel The Thought Spot then made a reaction video to the video above, which is also worth the watch! You can find it below.

Psychology Inside Out Podcast
In this podcast I talked with host Eugenia about moving to a foreign country, photography/modeling as an autistic girl, and balancing creativity, career, and personal challenges. Listen to the podcast on Spotify or on other podcast platforms.

Interview with The Tokyo Chapter
I had a lovely conversation with online magazine/blog The Tokyo Chapter. We spoke about my book(s), life in Japan, adhering to the rules, endless Japanese bureaucracy and checking boxes. I also explain why, although Japan is a country of “reading the air”, I feel more at ease there as an autistic person.

AuKids: Ask the Experts
Q: My child is desperate for friends. What’s the best way she can make them? She feels so isolated.
AuKids: We’ve often been asked about friendships and we’ve tried to tackle the issue in a number of different ways. This time, though, we asked those who had faced the same battles when they were younger.
For this issue of AuKids, I gave some tips on how to make friends as an autistic kid/teenager.

AuKids: Double Empathy
Bianca Toeps is 36 and from the Netherlands, although she now spends three to six months a year in Tokyo. She divides her time between building websites, photography and her online shop. She photographed and designed the cover of her 2019 book, But you don’t look autistic at all, which has now sold more than 15,000 copies in The Netherlands and has recently been translated into English. Bianca received her autism diagnosis at the age of 25.
AuKids did a small pre-publication as we talked about autism and empathy.
Interview with The Aspie World
In this interview we talked about autism in women, late diagnoses and our shared love for Japan.
Interview Purple Ella
In this chat, Ella and I talked about Japan, Disney (a special interest of both of us) and more. Check it out!